Supporting a client on a limited budget

Inevitably during the course of our work we will come across clients who do not have the means to pay for the funeral they wish to have.

3 hours £75.

This course will give you the confidence to address difficult conversations about money head on and guide you through a myriad of ways to help your client arrange a meaningful funeral service without breaking the bank.  We will introduce you to the Fair Funeral Pledge and how you can communicate to your communicate your inclusivity and demonstrate the care that you have for bereaved families.  By the end of the course you will have mastered the Social Fund Funeral expenses Payment and understand how to help your client complete an SF200 application form, enabling you to confidently advise clients about their entitlement and calculate the expected payment amount.  We will explore other means of accessing funding for the funeral and hopefully send you away buzzing with ideas as to how you can improve the way your support your clients with limited funds.

For more information on this course or to book a place please email [email protected]

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