Equality and diversity in funeral services, supporting vulnerable customers or those with additional needs
Sadly there is an increasing number of clients that are firmly placed in the vulnerable category, whether this be through ill health, job loss or bereavement. This is of paramount importance to funeral directors as it could be argued that as they are newly bereaved, ALL our clients are vulnerable and we have a duty to recognise this and respond accordingly.
3 hours £75.
In addition, we will encounter clients with physical impairments, mental health conditions and disabilities as well as those with protected characteristics such as the LGBT+ community and those with low knowledge of financial matters and low capability in other relevant areas such as literacy or digital skills.
We can all do more to show our clients we are welcoming to everyone and we will discuss how a funeral can meet the religious and cultural needs of the family, briefly touch on all the protected characteristics of the Equalities Act, explore some of the language used by the queer community, discuss how to meet the needs of the LGBT+ community in end of life care and an introduction to pronouns and how to register the death for a trans person.
For more information on this course or to book a place please email [email protected]