Our Rosedale Training tutors have teamed up to make the Diploma in Funeral Directing more accessible to students that feel they are too busy to commit to intensive studying.
Anne Beckett-Allen has identified a pattern that once students have passed their Diploma in Funeral Arranging and Administration, they often wish to have a break before continuing with their studies, but because the amount of coursework required for the second diploma is much heavier, they can be put off by the tight deadlines and cramming for the exam, and so often never return to their studies to become fully qualified.
“It is such a shame when people don’t feel able to complete their studies, owing to combined pressure of work and family and we wanted to try and find a way around this.” Said Anne. “I came up with the idea of a “dip in dip out” version of the Diploma with the modules running on a rolling basis over a 2-year period.
Anne says “Whilst intensive courses are available, we appreciate that these are not for everyone and we want to give people the choice and opportunity to study at a more natural pace that fits in with their family and work commitments.
Anne is keen to hear from potential students from anywhere in the country that might be interested in enrolling in such a course this September. To register your interest, or to arrange an informal chat, please contact Anne at [email protected]