Case Study: Paul Gedge
Paul is a partner in a family-run independent funeral directors established in Norfolk in 1866.
Paul enrolled with Rosedale training initially to ensure that his knowledge, passed down through the generations, was as up to date as it needed to be, so the module on law and regulations was very relevant to him. After successfully achieving his first diploma qualification Paul hopes to take the Dip FD course in the near future.
Paul says:
““I have always believed that you should never stop learning and educating yourself, it keeps you sharp and will never do any harm to your CV.
Five generations of knowledge passed down is good, but it does not say you are relevant, or that you know current laws and regulations. Gaining qualifications provides that extra legitimacy for me.”
Paul was able to develop in areas he was not previously fully confident with, such as cremation regulations, coroner’s procedures and differences between religions.
“I would definitely recommend this qualification to anyone within the funeral industry. It is so comprehensive, and by the time you finish, your knowledge and confidence is much greater than when you started.
Continuing professional development is very useful for the profession, to keep this industry trustworthy, knowledgeable, reliable and authentic. At such a sad and devastating time in a family members life, it is imperative they get the best service they deserve.”