Hasina Zaman

Case Study: Hasina Zaman

Hasina was drawn to enrolling with Rosedale Training to offer a greater insight into understanding the basics of running a funeral home.

A practising Muslim, Hasina runs a London-based culturally diverse business and is one of just a few female CEO’s in the funeral service industry.

As an enthusiastic advocate of regulation within the industry, she wanted her company to be in a strong position and ‘hit the floor running’ once regulation is imposed.

Hasina said:

““To be honest I found the whole course fascinating. The guest speakers shared their personal stories and explained how they serve the industry.
The course was very practical, in particular the module on grief prompted me to start a new section on our website, work closely with Bereavement Services and to offer a monthly Compassionate Bereavement Support Group.”

Hasina said in an ever-changing industry, it’s vital that best practice is shared and regularly updated to help offer services of the highest quality.

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We are passionate about sharing excellence and wellbeing in the workplace. Contact us to find out about our specialist courses in bereavement and the funeral services profession.